
page 019
You are young as your faith, as old as doubt;
as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear;
as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
Samuel Ullman


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026. アメリカの「失望」すべき相手は

Where should the word disappointment be sent to?

          これはBabu English 教室で私の英語学習の;練習作のひとつである。  


1  The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo released a statement that said, "the United States is disappointed that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visit to the Yasukuni-shrine.” And other various informations that had the same meanings were sending from the U.S. home country to Japan through the media. We Japanese think this must be the official view of Obama’s administration though it doesn’t take the form of the President’s statement.
 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe replies and explain at the press conferences repeatedly that his motive of visiting the Yasukuni-shrine is ― to offer his sincerity to the souls of many soldiers who lost their lives in the wars and to take an oath not to repeat same mistakes again like previous eras.
 It seems that this thought is acceptable to some Japanese people undoubtedly.
According to some opinion polls, it is clear that 30% of people show support to it, of course it couldn’t ignore that other 30% of people disfavor. But it needs to pay attention carefully that the other of 40% of their opinion can't say which side they are on.


 We can easily infer these 40% zone’s thinking. They merely evade answering for the present. Because if they showed their own opinion clearly in the midst of the hysterical situations responded from foreign countries, that is to say, it is possible that it will be a bad influence on the diplomatic relations. It is by no means proper to understand that they are criticizing Mr. Abe’s visit to Yasukuni-shrine by answering which side they are on as a Japanese people.


 The Japanese are very earnest people who devote all their minds to the soul and take good care of everyone’s souls. Sometimes we hear that Rakuten baseball player answer the press interview “I hit it with a soul!” when he hit the homerun. That is a soul of common noun, and if anything it has meanings of aggressive fighting spirit rather than a soul. But if this turned into the soul of a dead person, the Japanese is so sensitive to it.

 The soul of a dead person is generally called “Rei” or “Reikon”, this is from the word “霊” or “魂” distinguished from common noun soul. Especially the soul of dead soldier was given the word as “Eirei” from Japanese “英霊” though it is not used anymore today.
The word “Mitama” from “御霊” is recognized as a best hearty word to the soul of a dead person. The Japanese is a race to give the heart of the memorial service to for the soul of a dead person that is called “Irei” from “慰霊”. We never whip the dead person.
This is a proposition to lead to outlook on Japanese verge of death.

 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explains at the press interview every times after his visit that he gave the truth of “Sonsu” to irreplaceable people lost its life in the war. The word “Sonsu” from “尊崇” is to respect the gods and Buddha with a morally pure heart, any other intentions are not included in it. Needless to say, it is clear and obvious not to have meaning of appreciation the war. That is the Japanese general will to be longing for peace. Practically so far, Japan has been showing their steps to the peaceful nation since the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951.
 Looking back around the post-World War II, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan, Mr. Douglas MacArthur avoided sending the Emperor of Japan Hirohito to the court as one of the war criminals. We believe that it was not simple decision because most of the other allied powers as victorious countries wouldn’t agree with that easily. Of course for the Japanese, it is still new in our memory that was unexpected treatment too.
 As you know, the Emperor Hirohito was a Japanese supreme power person under the war regime. It was an undeniable fact that the act of hostilities were required approval at the council in the presence of the Emperor so called “Gozen-kaigi” from “御前会議”.
 However Mr. MacArthur wouldn’t execute war crimes of the Emperor Hirohito who seemed the head administrative officer of war accomplishment. There are various stories about the reasons, but we believe that Mr. MacArthur had studied and caught heart of the Japanese who love and respect the Emperor.


 He had known that most important thing to carry out his mission was to catch the heart of inhabitants there.
We never forget that many Japanese regretted parting with him lining up in the route to the Haneda airport when he was opposed to the President Truman and removed from command later,
 Japan which stood up from confusion of the defeat in war, linked the alliance relations to the U.S. and traced the way to development while adding intimacy. Even if it is said that there were the basics of today's firm Japan-U.S. relationship construction here, it is not exaggeration. May you read the example of the commander of the victorious nation which succeeded in occupation policy accomplishment like this in history elsewhere? If it is the person who observes the Japanese heart and studies it like Mr. MacArthur now, I believe that he or they will never misread the real intention of the vague 40% answer.
 Recently I know that among the intellectuals and the Senators particularly the Republicans in the U.S., there are some people insisting that it may be sent the word "disappointment" to Korea and China not Japan.
 Actually, Korea repeats their behavior concerned the Takeshima, the charity dame, the wartime forced labor so on. But as you know, these issues are already settled in the treaty which officially agreed between both nations in 19654. Beside China is also repeats coercive behavior caused the issue of territory and territorial waters like the thing of Senkaku Islands not only in Japan but also in Asian each places.
 Thus the two countries increase the strain of this district. As if Prime Minister Abe is said to be responsible for these troublesome, but I cannot help but to say that the two countries practices are unjust or unfair.
 It may be Korea or China which the word "disappointment" would be given deservedly.

 Is it only me that the Obama Democratic Party government seems not to be pure for justice like in the days of the beginning?
 I am now concerned that the Japanese heart may leave the Obama Administration little by little.

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